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Westcott Church of England School needs you!

Do you have an hour or two to spare each week?

Would you like to feel young and stay young by working with our lovely children?

Would you like to support the youth of today for their future tomorrow?

Then please volunteer at:

Westcott CE School

You could:

Hear readers across an age range

Help with displays in classroom and around the school

Help to keep our library in good working order

Help to organise events or join the PFA

Help to keep our Forest school area free of nettles and brambles

Help with gardening around the school grounds - strimming nettles & weeds, weeding beds

Help to teach Music, Art or PE lessons - share your skills

Help to lead or run an after school club - once a week for 1 hour

We would love to work with you and would value your help

Note: If you are working in school regularly you would need to undergo a DBS safeguarding and ID check. School would be able to organise this.