School Governors
Westcott Church of England School is a Voluntary Aided School which means that our Governors have an important role in working with our Headteacher to determine the direction of the school. They make decisions on matters of staffing, admissions, premises, curriculum, finance and health and safety.
Our governing body is made up of two staff governors, two parent governors, one local authority governor and seven Foundation governors. We occasionally invite people with particular expertise to be associate members of the governing body; their role is to assist and advise the governors in the decision making process.
Meet the Governors
Name: David Meakin
Position: Local Authority Governor
Responsibilities: Substantive Chair of Governors, Finance, Health and Safety
Date Appointed: 6/10/23
Term of Office: 4 Years
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests:
Meetings attended 2021/2022:
Name: Reverend Caroline Wainman
Position: Foundation Governor Ex Officio
Responsibilities: SIAMS, PSHE, RSE, Wellbeing
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: Incumbent at St Mary the Virgin Church
Meetings attended 2021/2022: N/A
Reverend Caroline has been the incumbent vicar in the parish of Waddesdon, Over Winchendon, Westcott and Fleet Marston since September 2020. As part of her role, she is an ex-officio Governor for both Westcott CE and Waddesdon CE secondary school. Before responding to a call to ordination, Revd Caroline had a long career as a senior pastoral leader and teacher of French in secondary schools in Oxfordshire and Hertfordshire. Reverend Caroline can be found leading her weekly collective worship at St Mary’s Westcott, as well as being a regular visitor and supporter of the school.
In her spare time, she loves everything to do with France, exploring new places, seeking out the local culture and spending relaxed time with her family and friends.
Name: Toby Long
Position: Foundation Governor
Responsibilities: Acting Chair of Governors, Safeguarding, Data Protection/Monitoring and Filtering, SIAMS, Early Years & Development (CPD)
Date Appointed: 01/09/2022
Term of Office: 4 years
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: ODBE Diocesan Advisor
Meetings attended 2021/2022: N/A
Toby Long has over twenty-five years of experience in primary education. From class teacher to headteacher, inspector, and now a school adviser for the Diocese of Oxford. Toby has served as a staff, parent, and foundation governor at several schools. He is a churchwarden of a village church in rural Buckinghamshire. Toby is married to a headteacher and they have three children.
Name: Kirsty Eales
Position: Foundation Governor
Responsibilities: Inclusion, Equalities, SEND, Pupil Premium, Curriculum & Assessment
Date Appointed: 12/07/2022
Term of Office: 4 years
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: Headteacher & Governor at Overstone School
Meetings attended 2021/2022: N/A
Kirsty joined the governing body in July 2022 as a foundation governor. Prior to that she was on the Parochial Church Council for the Parish of Waddesdon, Westcott, Over Winchendon and Fleet Marston and was seconded from this role to join the governors at Westcott. She is a regular worshipper at St. Michael’s and All Angels in Waddesdon, where you will often find her serving the tea and cake at the end of a Sunday service.
In her professional life she is a primary school headteacher in Buckinghamshire and she wanted to be able to use her skills and knowledge to help everyone at Westcott CE School. She has been a teacher for 27 years and has worked across the county in both town and village schools. She is passionate about providing children with a high quality education where they can use their curiosity and love of learning to become independent, life-long learners.
In her spare time she loves baking, catching up with friends and sitting in the sun with a good book.
Name: Jenath Khan
Position: Foundation Governor
Responsibilities: Health and Safety
Date Appointed: 01/12/2022
Term of Office: 4 years
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests:
Meetings attended 2021/2022: N/A
Name: Lorna Piper
Position: Foundation Governor
Responsibilities: Curriculum, Wellbeing
Date Appointed: 07/10/2022
Term of Office: 4 years
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: Trustee ODBE
Meetings attended 2021/2022: N/A
Lorna is a Foundation Governor and joined the Governing Body in November 2022. She has lived in Steeple Claydon for thirty years and worships at Buckingham Parish Church. Before she retired, she taught for many years and held various academic and pastoral roles. For the last eleven years of her career, she worked as a School Improvement Adviser supporting Primary and Secondary schools across the county. Currently, she volunteers for United Kingdom Mathematics Trust, the Open University and is an elected Trustee of ODBE. She enjoys watching cricket when she can and follows Essex CCC.
Name: Joanne Butler
Position: Staff Governor
Responsibilities: Interim Headteacher
Date Appointed: 01/01/2024
Term of Office: Whilst in post
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: Family member Bucks HT
Meetings attended 2022/2023: N/A
Name: Andrea Toosey
Position: Staff Governor
Date Appointed: 14/06/2024
Term of Office: 4 years
Business, Personal and Pecuniary Interests: Temporary Employee
Meetings attended 2022/2023: N/A
All governors are responsible for Curriculum and Assessment
For more information on the role of School Governors please contact the School Office.
If you are interested in becoming a Governor of Westcott CE School please contact one of the Interim Headteachers.
If you are already a Governor you can access the Bucks County Schools Web Governor Zone for advice and information. (You will need your password)
Governor written statement of behaviour principles
- Every pupil understands they have the right to feel safe, valued and respected, and to be able to learn free from the disruption of others
- All pupils, staff and visitors are free from any form of discrimination
- Staff and volunteers set an excellent example to pupils at all times
- Rewards, sanctions (including reasonable force if needed) are used consistently by staff, in line with the behaviour policy
- The behaviour policy is understood by pupils and staff
- The exclusions policy explains that these will only be used as a last resort, and outlines the processes involved in suspensions and exclusions
- Pupils are helped to take responsibility for their actions
- Families are involved in behaviour incidents to foster good relationships between the school and pupils’ home life
The governing board also emphasises that violence or threatening behaviour will not be tolerated in any circumstances.
This written statement of behaviour principles is reviewed and approved by the full governing board annually.