School Day
The compulsory school day is from 8.45-3.15pm. This is a total of 32.5 hours per week.
In addition to this we offer a 10 minute window for early drop off and to support a calm and well-behaved entry to school. This earlier start will enable children to meet with friends, get organised, put their belongings away and start their early morning activities, ready for the school day.
8.35am The School day begins, and the gates are opened - Monday to Friday.
Early morning activities
8.45am Registration and morning lessons begin.and then the morning session begins.
10.15am Break time - fresh fruit is available.
10.30am Worship takes place daily (8.50am Friday). On a Monday, Thursday and Friday this is at St Mary's Church.
12.00 noon Lunchtime - Nursery children are usually collected at this time (morning session ends)
Years R, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils are entitled to universal infant free school meals (a hot meal). Children may elect to bring their own packed lunches. Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 may pay for their hot school lunch or bring their own packed lunch. During the colder months of the year the children eat in the school hall. During the nicer weather, children may eat their lunch outside.
1.00pm Afternoon lessons
3.15pm School Finishes
We ask that parents wait on the school front playground for their child to be dismissed at the end of their school day. Children not collected on time will be taken to the school office to be collected from there. We ask that parents, wherever possible, inform the school if they expect their child will not be collected on time.