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Worship at Westcott Church of England School

The daily act of Christian worship plays a central role in the life and work at Westcott CE School. It provides us with helpful opportunities to explore our Christian values and develop our vision and ethos. It offers important opportunities to strengthen our sense of family and belonging and to reinforce the respect and care we have for one another. Our collective worship makes a significant contribution to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of those present.

The School provides opportunities in collective worship which are centred around the School's three Values, to experience moments of stillness and quiet, to reflect and develop an awareness of the Holy Trinity (God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit), and to become familiar with traditional and modern forms of Christian prayer and worship, including key Christian festivals. 

Our weekly worship takes place in the beautiful Victorian church of St Mary the Virgin which is next door to the school. Reverend Caroline leads our School worship in church once a week, with other staff leading the time together on other days.

Each year we hold a Harvest, Christmas, Candlemas, Easter and End of Year Service in St Mary’s Church.  These services are led by the children with input from the local church. Parents are very welcome to join us for these important events in the school year and for our Class Assemblies which take place on Fridays.

During our collective worship times, both as a whole school and within class, children are told that Christians believe:

  • all children have been made by a loving God who cares about them.
  • there is a purpose to their life and a unique role for them to do in this world that no-one else can do.
  • we can help to make the world a better place (with God’s help, it’s not all our responsibility).
  • the Bible contains a value structure and wisdom for living that brings blessing to our lives and to the lives of others, regardless of whether we have a personal faith or not.

This is taught in a setting where questions are encouraged and where other world views are welcomed.

Our school prayer which links to our school vision

My Dearest Lord,
Be now a bright flame to enlighten me,
A guiding star to lead me,
A smooth path beneath my feet
And a kindly shepherd along my way
Today and evermore

Collective Worship days and times

Day Time Nature of Worship
Monday 9:00-9:15am

Whole school worship led by the Headteacher

The theme for the week is introduced

Tuesday Anytime

Singing worship in class

Wednesday 10:00-10:15am

Whole school worship led by the Headteacher at St Mary's Church

Thursday 10:00-10:15am

Whole School worship led by Reverend Caroline at St Mary's Church

Friday 9:00-9:15am

Celebration worship led by the Headteacher or a Class